Faubert Lab

Welcome to the Faubert Lab

Metabolism is at the core of nearly every biological function. In cancer, alterations of metabolic flux are a defining characteristic as they support cell growth and survival of malignant cells. Our lab seeks to understand metabolic rewiring in cancer and how altered metabolism contributes to disease progression.

The lab utilizes mass spectrometry-based platforms, isotope tracers, and flux analysis to dissect the metabolic programs that underlie key malignant features. Ultimately, we aim to use our findings for clinical benefit, as alterations in tumor cell metabolism can be leveraged into new therapeutic strategies, imaging techniques, and biomarkers.


Research Focus

Interrogating the metabolism of metastatic cancer


Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) causes the most cancer-related deaths worldwide. One reason for this lethality is the ability of these tumors to metastasize, as almost half of all patients with NSCLC will develop metastatic disease. By investigating the underlying biology that drives, supports, or prevents metastasis, we aim to identify new treatment opportunities for this disease.

Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of cancer that supports numerous malignant properties. These metabolic alterations are clinically important characteristics, as they are the basis for imaging and therapeutic strategies. Our knowledge of lung cancer metabolism has progressed in recent years, as we now understand how heterogeneous and dynamic the metabolism of these tumors can be. Our laboratory is interested in how lung cancer cells reprogram metabolism in ways that support or drive their ability to metastasize.

Cancer cells are remarkably adaptable. While some metabolic processes are maintained in any environment, other pathways are significantly changed based on the media, neighboring cells, or organ environment. Understanding how cancer cells adapt to these different environments, particularly in in the context of metastasis, is a central focus of the lab. The Faubert lab uses stable isotope tracers to study tumor metabolism by measuring the metabolic activity in cells, animal models, and patients. Stable isotope tracers are safe, non-radioactive, and can be used at physiological concentrations. By following these tracers through metabolic pathways, we gain important insights into the metabolic activity of cancer.

Not all tumors metastasize. This begs the question- what makes aggressive tumors different? What unique capabilities in these cancer cells allow them to spread to distant organs? One contributing factor is the underlying metabolic differences between aggressive and non-aggressive tumors.  If we target these differences therapeutically, can we limit metastasis? The lab utilizes unique, patient-derived xenografts of lung cancer to study metastasis. These PDXs match the metabolic phenotype of the primary tumor and spontaneously metastasize in mice, providing a tractable model to evaluate the role of metabolism in promoting and driving metastatic features.

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